3 Dog-Approved Recipes to Warm Your Pooch Up

3 Dog-Approved Recipes to Warm Your Pooch Up

As much as our pooches love their kibble and wet food, as well as begging for your own dinner, sometimes it’s nice to treat them to a 5-star meal. Dishing up these quick and easy, nutritious meals for your favourite pet takes next to no time and uses up ingredients you already have in your cupboard.

As always, consider any allergies or food sensitivities your dog may have. Every dog is different, and they may react to new foods in different ways, so it is important to keep this in mind when introducing them to new foods.

Two Paws Up Breakfast Scramble – Rachael Ray

This incredibly easy, protein-packed doggy brunch will be perfect for a special weekend meal. Using dog-approved ingredients such as egg, spinach and capsicum, you can make this delicious dish alongside your own breakfast omelette. This filling treat is sure to become a fast favourite in your house.

Muttloaf – Better Homes and Gardens

A canine twist on an old family favourite, Muttloaf is a nutritious, hearty meal to give to your dog whenever they are being the best boy. Created by best-selling Australian cookbook writer Kim McKosker, this “pupproved” dish is sure to satisfy even the fussiest of dogs and uses up some of the most common pantry staples.

Tiny Turkey Burgers for Your Dog – Rachael Ray

Vet-approved, adorable, and bite-sized, these healthy turkey-based burgers are the perfect dinner for your pooch. Fire up the grill or stove-top and treat you dog to these protein and veggie-filled meatballs. Perfect for your dog to feel included during a family barbeque, or just during a lazy Saturday lunch, you dog will go barking mad for these mini turkey burgers.

These recipes are the perfect way to fill up your greedy dog’s tum during colder weather and is a great way to show how much you love them. Using simple, healthy ingredients, they will give your dog the nutrients and energy they need to play the day away.  


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