It’s becoming increasingly well-known that not all human foods are completely safe for your pooch. Most owners are aware of the dangers of giving certain treats to your dog- and avoiding an emergency trip to the vet. Here are some of the most common foods that are toxic for your dog:
With avocado toast continuing to dominate brunch menus, it’s important to know not to hand your dog the leftovers. Avocado contains a chemical called persin which can cause problems such as vomiting and diarrhoea, as well as other concerning health issues.
This one is important to know especially around holidays such as Easter and Christmas. Chocolate is a huge problem for dogs because of theobromine, a stimulant which can lead to kidney issues.
All sorts of citrussy fruits such as lemons, oranges, limes and grapefruits should be avoided by dogs, mainly because of the high sugar content. The problem is in the rinds and stems of citrus fruits as they contain harmful chemicals- thankfully most dogs avoid these types of fruits anyways.
Another problem fruit that is common in households is grapes, including dried grapes and raisins. Studies show that grapes have adverse effects across all dog breeds and can lead to kidney failure or other serious health concerns in your pet.
Macadamia Nuts
The high fat content in macadamia nuts can cause strain on your dog’s pancreas, and lead to fever and shakes- keep these nuts far away from your furry friend!